Raptor Launcher - variant launcher and account manager for Furcadia
See the repository here.
Version 0.3.1 is out!
Raptor Launcher 0.3.1 is built and available HERE
- Windows 10 Creators Update is supported now.
- Pounce integration! Rename launcher.exe to Furcadia.exe, copy furc_on.exe to the Raptor Launcher directory and launch this Pounce to have the
Raptor Launcher run whenever you click the Furcadia icon in Pounce!
- Various minor bugfixes.
- Log files should be generating properly now.
Version 0.3 is out! (the final 0.3 version, I promise)
Raptor Launcher 0.3 is built and available at HERE
- Per-character images work now! (150x400 is the recommended size)
- Multiselect works properly on the alt list, feel free to launch 20 alts at once if you feel like it.™
- New in config: by default, the launcher only synchronizes in the beginning in order to save time. Remember to always synchronize after you change
your description in FurEd, otherwise your changes will be *lost*. If you often change your descriptions, select the option to always synchronize,
which will take a while but keep your characters safe.
- Minor fixes everywhere.